Sunday, September 12, 2021

Out and About Thrifting My Life Away

People always ask me what do I do with my spare time. I giggle and say "what spare time"? When you are a "thrifter" it never ends. And your mind never stops.Your mind is always thinking about the "hunt". What will I find at the next Goodwill, or thrift store. It doesn't matter where or when, just finding some cool items is enough for me. Yes, I would say it's an obbsession, maybe an attiction. But, I believe it's the thrill of the hunt. And it never ends. I have been doing this for more than 40yrs. I even furnished my first apartment with my tagsale finds. So check out some of my recent finds in my Etsy shop. Here are a few fun items that may just entice you to purchase a item or two that will make you happy. Sweet Pea Vintage and Urban Findings is a eclectic online store full of vintage clothing
and home decor.

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