Saturday, September 19, 2020

A Women of Conviction Ruth Bader Ginsburg

We as women have some big shoes to fill, with the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I'm sure there are men that also believe this. But I'm speaking as a woman. So please no offense to men. I remember seeing photos of the Supreme Court.  Mostly men had filled the seats. Big men, tall men, and there she was RBG, as petite as demure as can be. I kept thinking can she compete in a man's world? I will admit that I have not always been knowledgeable about the branch of Government known as the Supreme Court. But, as I got older and followed her life before, and during her years on the Supreme Court that this was a special woman. This link below is some photos of her life. I hope that you enjoy them. Photo credits from The Guardian. Thoughts are my own. 

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