Thursday, November 15, 2018

Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder

 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You have heard this phrase a thousand times. I would like to think that we all have a purpose in this world. Not, just to be beautiful, or rich, or smart. We are just "here" to do whatever our spirits allows us. Whether you believe in God, Buddha, Mohammad, or another higher power. We are put here for a reason. Can you imagine what these eyes have seen? Have they willingly earned those wrinkles?  Did they try to fight it with every being in their body? Would you or I fight the process of aging with every dollar we had? Or would we age gracefully, without a care in the world? Yes, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But, I would like to think that these women still have a twinkle in their eyes to defy age and be beautiful in what really matters. Themselves.

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