Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Are Glamour Girl Days Gone?

I remember the days when glamour girls were the talk of the town. It wasn't easy as a housewife to compete with the likes of Marylin Monroe, or pin-up beauties Betty Grable, and Rita Hayworth. The hair & make-up as sexy as Veronica Lake who made the "Peekaboo" hair style fashionable. During the "war" soldiers would carry their photos close to their heart.  Marylin Monroe photos

Betty Grable and her famous legs. 

Rita Hayworth with her smile

could be seen in locker rooms and bars. Movies were still in black & white but you don't need color to see the sultry effects that Lauren Bacall has on Humphrey Bogart in Key Largo. The way Elizabeth Taylor won the hearts of men around the world. I don't think that we will ever see this happen again. With all of the women's movements and recent revelations of abuse I think this era is gone forever. 

Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart in Key Largo 

Veronica Lake with her "Peekaboo" haircut

Ah, those violet colored eyes of Elizabeth Taylor 

Marylin Monroe and her feminine soft appeal to men. 

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